MJ-Gerüstgeflüster #022: Combination Approval

In the “MJ-Gerüstgeflüster” we give you tips, interesting information about our scaffolding systems and, last but not least, we whisper the latest news from the MJ Scaffolding universe.

Today we are focussing on the exciting topic of “combination approval”.
A german scaffolding system should already have building authority approval from the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBT). If it also has a mixing licence, like our modular scaffolding MJ COMBI, things get exciting. Then you can install it with a clear conscience with the scaffolding systems from alternative manufacturers listed in the mixing approval, ‘COMBInation’, so to speak. This provides the user with decisive advantages.
Our technical manager Michael Nordmeier can explain this in more detail in the video.
The video has English subtitles.

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