Welcome to the MJ team!

A new member of the MJ family

Since the beginning of the 1970s, everything at our company has revolved around scaffolding systems and scaffolding accessories. Or rather, around you, our customer. Your requirements, your project, your satisfaction.

It is our sales representatives who ensure that you are pleased all over the world. That’s why we are always looking for partners, experts and friends who helps you at any time.

Since November Maykool is part of our team and takes care of our Spanish and Portuguese customer. We asked him a few questions to give you a chance to get to know him better. 

Maykool González Pérez
Distribution Spain and Portugal

Maykool González Pérez


What was your first job? I started in the world of scaffolding at the age of 16 as a laborer/apprentice and was impressed by the job from the beginning. I wanted to learn more and develop professionally in this sector. How did you come to MJ? I saw on LinkedIn that MJ was looking for someone for the Spain and Portugal area and what can I say? Here I am. What’s the best thing about your job? Knowing that every day is different from the previous one, meeting new people and being able to find solutions to their needs. I love the technical part, the construction and the montage. I feel fulfilled when I see a well-done project at the end.


What was your best personal experience? Without a doubt, my children. They are the reason why I motivate myself every morning and they are the ones who remove my tensions with hugs in the evening. Which is your favourite football club? Real Madrid What is your favourite dish? A good traditional stew with e.g. chickpeas, nicely made at home. What do you think your life will look like in ten years? I don’t know, but I hope that I can continue to do something that motivates me and, of course, be close to my family.


Where were you furthest away from home? I lived in Lima, Peru, for almost 3 years. An incredible experience. Which film makes you laugh out loud, even if you watch it alone? Zoolander, this is extremely absurd and makes me cry with laughter. If your life were a book, what title would it have? “My awakening” What rules have you set for yourself that you never break? To be loyal to what I do and to my people. Not to do anything that keeps me awake at night.

Thank you very much!

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